Oren A.

Oren A.
Ready to take the next step?
M.S. Speech-Language Pathology, Class of 2001
I chose Brooklyn College because the Speech-Language Pathology program has a stellar reputation in the field. The academic faculty are well-known and respected nationwide and the clinical faculty bring a diverse background in order to guide students interested in pursuing any specialty after graduation. As a whole, I felt that a degree at Brooklyn College would best prepare me for a career in Speech-Language Pathology. Looking back at a career that has covered more the 20 years, that has proven to be true. Enrolling in the Speech-Language Pathology program was one of the best decisions of my life.
I have many great experiences at Brooklyn College but the one I will never forget was doing a brain dissection my first semester of graduate school. When I first learned that this was part of the curricula, I cringed. The thought of dissecting an actual human brain was not appealing. Our professor and guide through this experience had us over-prepared. We had spent months studying the many aspects of the brain and how they related to speech/language/swallowing. It only took a few minutes to get over my fears and have a truly fascinating learning experience.
The great wealth of knowledge that the academic and clinical faculty has prepared all students to specialize and excel in whichever path they chose. My chosen path was working with adults with neurological injuries. I was taught by an excellent roster of individuals who had a wealth of theoretical knowledge on these topics. But even more important, they all had years of clinical experience that tied in the theoretical with the clinical. Additionally, the myriad of facilities that BC has affiliations with provided me with invaluable externship experiences that taught me so much.
I would advise anyone who has a chance to pursue graduate studies at BC to not think twice. I have referenced the irreplaceable education and professional experience I received there, but have not mentioned the unbelievable camaraderie that the student body has. This was not a competitive atmosphere. Instead there was a collaborative spirit, we felt like members of the same team rooting each other on. To this day, I continue many close friendships that I made at BC.