Jonathan A.

Jonathan A.
Ready to take the next step?
M.A. History, Class of 2019
Prior to joining Brooklyn College, I struggled to get a full-time job. I had a fair amount of experience, and I even started my own walking tour company, but I couldn’t get a potential employer to take my application seriously. Once I had enrolled, I went full-time within months. I was working as the Manager of Education at the South Street Seaport Museum. Now that I have my master’s, I have moved on to an even better position. Brooklyn College has changed my life for the better in more ways than I can count. I am grateful every day for the education, the mentorship, and the community that welcomed me in the History Department. The quality of my life has improved in every way because of my time with Brooklyn College.
I don’t think I am able to express through words the gratitude that I feel for this program. Enrolling in Brooklyn College was the best decision I ever made. I have made lasting relationships with both students and faculty, and now that I have graduated, I often find myself missing classes and the intellectual stimulation of graduate-level discussions. Though I miss it, my wife and I recently moved to a new apartment which overlooks the Brooklyn College Library and the new performing arts center. At night that big, pulsating light on the entrance to the performing arts building covers our living room in blues, purples, and greens. While it may freak out our cats, it is a great reminder of the fact that if it were not for Brooklyn College, we could never afford our new place.