Belgica A.

Belgica A.
Ready to take the next step?
M.S.Ed. Childhood Education Teacher Grade 1-6 Bilingual Extension, Class of 2020
I completed my undergraduate degree at Brooklyn College a few years ago and I had a great experience. When I found out that Brooklyn College had the Childhood Education Teacher grades 1-6 with extension in bilingual education, I was incredibly excited because I had the chance to come back.
I truly believe that teaching is a calling, not just a career. It is one of the most challenging jobs in the world but also one of the most rewarding. What makes this program unique is that teachers have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of children. Children are our future and having a teacher who is passionate in their field will make children passionate about learning.
After graduation, I will be applying to a doctorate program. It has been my ultimate dream. There is a small percentage of Latinos with a doctorate and to be part of that percentage motivates me. I also plan to work as a full-time teacher, I spent two years working as a substitute teacher and it is a tough job, but I’ve gained many skills along the way. Working as a substitute teacher allowed me to observe many teaching styles and figure out what works for me and what doesn’t.
Professors at Brooklyn College are very friendly and I can always ask for help whenever I need it. It is very important as a student to ask questions and not be afraid to ask for help. I struggle with anxiety and can sometimes be hard on myself. I love what I do but I can easily get overwhelmed. I’m never afraid to talk to my professors for guidance especially when I need to be reminded to “take it day by day.” They have been a great resource for me during my academic career.
What I would suggest applicants to do is to follow your program on all the social media outlets either Facebook or Instagram. I follow @bcbilingualed on Facebook and #bcbilingualed on Instagram. You can get a lot of great information about job positions, conferences, internships, and articles. You’ll be reading a lot of interesting things throughout your graduate experience, don’t be afraid to keep a copy of books, peer-reviewed journals, or any readings that interest you. They will come in handy in your research class.