Culture and Change in the West Indies (Antigua and Barbuda)
Students will explore the culture, traditions and history of Antigua and Barbuda through an immersive, interdisciplinary, hands-on experience. Themes of colonization, diasporic communities, religion, nationalism and geography will be explored, and center/periphery relations between the two islands will be examines. Participants will visit museums, nature reserves, artist colonies and religious centers. Students will meet and interact with dignitaries and political officials. Other than educational field trips and lectures, the students will analyze archaeological artifacts and look at people-environment interactions from the past through present. The culmination of this experience will be in the design and installation of a museum exhibit that captures one of the themes explored during the course. Students will live at an inn in Antigua and at a house on stilts in Barbuda, in shared rooms. All meals are provided.
This fascinating course also fulfills an upper division core requirement (CORC 3208) and helps complete your degree. The course is of special interest to students majoring in art, media, film, political science, anthropology, history and museum studies.
Program Dates
Jan. 4 – 24
Program Fee
$2,987 (includes health insurance, local airfare, program-related transportation, excursions, housing and all meals)
Additional Costs
International airfare (approximately $600), tuition, Antigua and Barbuda exit tax ($27) and any personal expenses.
Courses and Credits
CORC 3208 Comparative Studies in Cultures and Transformation, three credits. Core course fulfills the upper division requirement in the area of Philosophical and Social Enquiry, Exploring Global Connections.
Financial Aid / Scholarships
Financial aid does apply, alternative loans are available. Scholarships that apply to this program are: SASA, Gilman, Furman and STOCS, among others. (See Scholarship listing on IEGE website.).
How to Apply
Complete the IEGE Notification of Study Abroad / Brooklyn College Study Abroad Application (pdf) and submit it to IEGE, 1108 Boylan Hall.
Application Deadline
Oct. 15, 2012 (Extended deadline Oct. 28, 2012)
More Information
Sophia Perdikaris
Program Leader/Professor
Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
3301 James Hall
P: 718.951.5000 x6641
Office of International Education and Global Engagement
1108 Boylan Hall
P: 718.951.5189