Return to Campus Letter #12 Gratitude for Our Essential Workers
Return to Campus Letter #12
June 29, 2021
Dear Brooklyn College community,
This Return to Campus Letter is the 12th in a series designed to help you understand our preparations for the fall semester and our focus on health and safety in that work. In my last letter, I discussed changes to course modalities. In this letter, I want to reflect upon the excellence of our staff members who have had to work on campus since March 2020.
As you know, on August 2, those staff members who have been working remotely will begin a gradual return to campus. Throughout the fall, most of them will operate on a rotational schedule, working partly on campus and partly from home. While this is a big transition, we cannot forget the many staff members who have had to work on campus throughout the pandemic.
Our essential workers had to work onsite daily to ensure that the campus was clean, safe, and functioning. We owe a great deal of gratitude to our custodial staff, our building maintenance staff, and our campus security teams for their service and dedication. At times, that work has been tough.
Across campus, custodians had to manage frequent changes to their work schedules and responsibilities due to COVID-19. Laborers had to set up equipment and move furniture, and at times, Stationery Engineers have been stretched thin. Student Center staff responded to maintenance issues even when the building closed. Some Public Safety Officers had to diffuse confrontations from hostile visitors. All of our essential workers have done an incredible job without a break during this challenging time.
It was not just essential workers who had to report to campus during the pandemic. Many others had to report onsite to sustain our systems. For example, staff in Student Activities kept the Food Pantry open for our students. Many staff members came to campus whenever there was a need in their area, including staff in Environmental Health and Safety, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Alumni Engagement, the BC Health Clinic, the Comptroller’s Office, Communications and Marketing, Human Resource Services, the Library and Academic Instructional Technology, Purchasing, Student Financial Services, the Budget Office, and the Brooklyn College Foundation. Our staff often went above and beyond in serving the College, and we thank them.
Key leaders in enrollment management had to work on campus a day or two each week to keep undergraduate and graduate admissions operating smoothly. Staff in the Registrar’s Office and on the Transfer Evaluation Team came to campus to improve workflow. Laboratory technicians worked on campus frequently during the pandemic to distribute critical equipment to students, including those in film, theater, art, and the Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema. All of their onsite efforts have been invaluable. We appreciate everyone who has had to work daily on campus to ensure the College continued to function.
Therefore, as we gradually transition our remote employees back onsite, let’s continue to be grateful for all those who have already had to work onsite over the past 15 months. Thank you to all the staff who have come to campus during the pandemic to work to make the lives of our students, faculty, and other staff better!
A quick update for students: Our childcare program is enrolling children for the fall semester to support our student-parents, regardless of whether you are opting for in-person, hybrid, or online classes. You can apply to enroll your child here.
As always, whether you are a student, staff member, or faculty member, I encourage you to get vaccinated, if you have not already done so. You can find a vaccine location near you and walk in. I will issue Return to Campus Letter #13 in two weeks, and update you sooner if we receive new and critical information. Until then, take good care of yourself and enjoy the holiday break.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle J. Anderson
President, Brooklyn College