Protocol Review Process
New applications and amendments are reviewed through the Designated Member Review (DMR) process. During this process, each member is provided with a copy of the protocol via e-mail and is given the opportunity to request Full Committee Review (FCR) within five business days. If FCR is not requested within this time, the IACUC chair or designee and veterinarian provide review. These members have the authority to approve, require modifications (to secure approval), or request FCR.
If FCR is requested, at any point of this process, the proposal is discussed at a convened meeting of a quorum of the IACUC members. The Brooklyn College IACUC will make a determination and provide written communication to the principal investigator through the Office of Research Compliance.
Submitting to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
All applications and requests must be submitted to the IACUC via e-mail. For assistance on the use of these documents, contact the IACUC Office, 718.951.3829 or 718.951.5519.