
Modeling Interval Timing by Recurrent Neural Nets Selected as a 2021 Editor's Pick by Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience
Prof. Theodore Raphan work was first published in 2019.

#BCGrad2021 Celebrates Resilience and Hope: Asma Awad Named Valedictorian for Class of 2021
Computer science major to work as software engineer at JPMorgan & Chase Co. after graduation.

CIS Brooklyn College Student Wins Weill Cornell AI Health Hackathon
CIS student Nelson Wang, along with a 5 member team, develops the winning app for cancer screening.

Facebook Data Challenge 2020 Opportunity
Application Deadline: January 18, 2020.

Students From Kyushu Institute of Technology of Japan Visit the CIS Department at Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College and City College have a special relationship with Kyushu Institute of Technology.

CIS Department is Awarded CUNY 2x Tech Initiative Grant
The initiative aims to double the number of graduates from the City University of New York with bachelor’s degrees ready to compete for tech jobs in New York City.

Two CIS Students Are Winners on Science Day
Student work focused on Android malware detection and on determining the accuracy of code-similarity programs.

2019 Google Tech Challenge
Brooklyn College CIS students earn second place in 2019 Google Tech Challenge.

CIS Assistant Professor Rivka Levitan Awarded $500,000 NSF CAREER Award to Study Entrainment
The grant will support Levitan's entrainment research for the next five years and fund the collection of a new corpus of task-oriented speech to enable the analysis of important questions about entrainment.

CIS Professor Michael Mandel Awarded $500,000 NSF Grant To Explore How Man-made Sounds and Climate Change Affect Animal Migration
Mandel’s research aims to help computers better understand sound.

Sign Up for CS Club
Students and professors can sign up to be notified when a CS Club event is upcoming. We will be promoting events hosted by companies like Bloomberg and IBM, doing technical interview prep and workshops this year.

PicatSAT Wins Gold, Silver, and Two Bronze
Medals were won at the 24th International Conference of Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming in Lille, France.

Developing a Serious Game to Reinforce Introductory Programming Concepts
The game will include a storyline, sound effects, graphics, power-ups, and short quiz-like challenges.

Student Achievements
Student achievements from the 2017–18 year.

Michael Mandel Receives National Science Foundation Award
Grant related to automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems to advance our understanding of healthy and impaired hearing.