School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
Invention. Experimentation. Innovation. Vision.
Protect the environment. Build a search-and-rescue robot. Research cures for diseases. Consider ways to end world hunger. Find and study ancient artifacts. Design a 3-D software program. Lay the groundwork for a job in sports medicine. The School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences opens up a world of life-changing possibilities for students seeking an education and a career in the sciences. Our award-winning faculty members are inventors, mentors, and researchers, and they will guide you as you navigate through our academically rigorous, but richly rewarding and nationally acclaimed programs. Whatever your focus, you will have the opportunity to observe and participate in cutting-edge scientific research with instructors who are the experts in their fields. The skills you gain will benefit Brooklyn and the world.

Mission Statement
The School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences advances scientific knowledge and prepares students of all backgrounds to live and work as scientifically literate citizens contributing to a modern society. This mission includes: 1) preparing interested students for careers in areas demanding a high level of basic and applied scientific knowledge; and 2) preparing all graduates of the college to engage with the ethical, legal, and social issues surrounding scientific and technological developments.