Binary Representations of Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal digits
Binary Representation of Characters, ASCII code
Representations of Signed and Unsigned Integers and Fractions
Packed Decimal, 2's Complement and Signed Magnitude
Representations of Fixed Point and Floating Point numbers
IEEE Floating Point format
B. Design of Combinational functions and circuits
Boolean Algebra, Truth Tables and Karnaugh Maps
Gates, Combinational circuits, and timing delays
Decoders, Multiplexers, Full and Half Adders, Full and Half Subtractors, Combinational Multiplier and Divider Circuits, and Logic Circuits, ROMs and PLAs
C. Design of Sequential functions and circuits
State Diagrams, State Tables and Register Transfer Language Programs
Flip-flops, Registers; the Clock and Timing Control
Registers with various operations such as: Counters, Logical and Arithmetic Shift operations, and Parallel Load operations.
Integer and Floating Point .Sequential Multiplier and Divider circuits
D. Register Transfer Language (RTL)
Representation of Control functions and Microoperations
Specification of Register and Memory transfers, Buses, Arithmetic and Logical operations
Translation of an RTL program into a Logic Diagram
Timing Signals and Control Signals
E. Performance and Cost Analysis
Benchmarks, Performance Measures, Performance and Execution Time, Amdahl's law, Speedup, CPU Time, Clock Cycle Time and Clock Rate, Cycles per Instruction and Instruction Count
F. Instruction Set Principles
Accumulator, Stack and General Purpose Architectures
Register-Register (or Load-Store Architecture) and Register-Memory Architectures
Operand Addressing Modes, Instruction Set Operations, Type and Size of Operands and the Encoding of an Instruction Set
RISC versus CISC
G. Design and Performance Analysis of a non-Pipelined CPU
An RTL Program Specifying the Fetching and Execution of Instructions
Operand Address Decoding
Interrupt Cycle
Hard-Wired and Microprogrammed Control Units
Microprogram Instructions and Formats
Control Words
H. Design and Performance Analysis of a Pipelined CPU
Relationship between an Instruction set and a Pipelined CPU
Pipeline Registers
Pipeline Data and Control Hazards
Instruction Scheduling, Delay Slots and a Delayed Branch
Multi-cycle Operations and Exception Handling
I. Memory-Hierarchy Design and Performance Analysis
Principle of Locality
Cache, Main Memory and Secondary Memory
Cache hit rate and time, miss rate and time, and miss penalty
Direct, Associative, and Set Associative mappings
Replacement Algorithms
Write Through and Write back Caches
Main Memory, the CPU-Memory Bus, Access time and Cycle time, and bandwidth
Design of 1-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional RAMs and DRAMs
Interleaved Memory and Memory Banks
Virtual Memory
J. I/O and Storage System Design, and Performance Analysis
Magnetic Disks
I/O Buses, Bus Masters and Synchronous and Asynchronous Buses
Data Transfers. Hand Shaking, Cycle Stealing, Bus Request and Acknowledge
I/O programming and Interrupt Handling
DMA and 10P
I/O Performance Measures
K. Multiprocessors
J. Hennessy & D. Patterson, Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann.
J. Hayes, Computer Architecture, 2nd Edition, Hayes, McGraw-Hill.
M.M. Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall.
D. Patterson and J. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 3rd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann.