News and Seminars Archive - Spring 2019
Shirlanna Alexis Biology Seminar Series—Spring 2019*
All events will be held on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. in 113 Ingersoll Hall Extension.
The seminar series is organized by Tony Wilson.
January 31
Jasna Brujic, New York University
"Programming colloidal architectures"
Host: Nicolas Biais
February 7
Christopher Blair, City Tech
"Using reptiles as models for understanding evolutionary patterns and processes in the New World"
Host: Tony Wilson
February 14
Paul Feinstein, Hunter College
"MouSensor: A platform to decode the sense of smell"
Host: Nicolas Biais
February 21
Berk Aykut, New York University
"Mechanical Forces in Cancer and Infectious Diseases"
Host: Anjana Saxena
February 28- Gavin Lecture in Cell and Molecular Biology**
Erich Jarvis, Rockefeller University
“Molecular convergence in brain regions for song-learning in birds and spoken-language in humans”
Host: Peter Lipke
March 7
Michael Mandel, Brooklyn College
"Building machine listeners, with data and inspiration from humans"
Host: Tony Wilson
March 14
Paula Checchi, Marist College
"Maintenance of Genome Integrity by Mi2"
Host: Mara Schvarzstein
March 21
Tony Wilson, Brooklyn College
"Father as mother: What we can learn from animals"
Host: Nicolas Biais
March 28
Sevinc Ercan, New York University
"Chromosome condensation and gene regulation in C. elegans"
Host: Mara Schvarzstein
April 4
Holger Sonderman, Cornell University
"Friending and unfriending: Controlling reversible attachment in bacterial social networks"
Host: Nicolas Biais
April 11
Kristie Rupp, Brooklyn College
"Obesity throughout the lifespan: Addressing childhood obesity in adults"
Host: Jimiane Ashe (Wilson Lab)
April 18
Neville Sanjana, NY Genome Center
"New frontiers for pooled screens: Finding regulatory elements in the noncoding genome and capturing multi-cell interactions"
Host: Qi He
April 25
No Seminar - College Closed
May 2
Chris Mason, Weill Cornell Medicine
Host: Tony Wilson
May 9 - Two Trees Lecture**
Aneesa Valentine, Biais Laboratory
“Elucidating a role for physical force in Neisseria gonorrhoeae biofilm development and antibiotic resistance”
Joseph Arguelles, Singh Laboratory
“Structural analysis of venom peptide of Leptopilina heterotoma, generalist parasitoid of Drosophila, reveals prevalence of heparin-binding motif within the knottin protein family”
Hosts: Jeremy Draghi, Theodore Muth
Departmental seminars are made possible through the generous support of Brooklyn College alumni and supporters. Contributions to the Biology Seminar Fund are accepted through the Brooklyn College Foundation.
* In memory of Shirlanna Alexis (B.Sc. 2010), whose commitment to scientific research and academic curiosity is an inspiration to scientists young and old.
** In recognition of Professor Ray Gavin's contributions as teacher, scientist, and mentor.
*** In recognition of Professor Dan Eshel's contributions as teacher, scientist, and mentor.