News and Seminars Archive - Spring 2013
Priscilla F. Pollister Biology Seminar Series — Spring 2013*
All events will be held on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. in 113 Ingersoll Hall Extension.
The series is organized by Assistant Professor Paul M. Forlano.
Jan. 31
Dr. Derrick Brazill, Hunter College (CUNY)
"Of Mice and Men: A Tale of Two Viruses"
Host: Luis Quadri
Feb. 7
Dr. Holly Colognato, SUNY Stonybrook
"Thinking Outside the Cell: The Role of Extracellular Matrix in Modulating Nervous System Development and Repair"
Host: Paul Forlano
Feb. 14
Job Candidate
Title: TBA
Host: TBA
Feb. 21
Job Candidate
Title: TBA
Host: TBA
Feb. 28
Job Candidate
Title: TBA
Host: TBA
Mar. 7
Dr. Maryam Bamshad, Lehman College (CUNY)
"The Prairie Vole: A Model for Understanding the Biology of Social Monogamy"
Host: Paul Forlano
Mar. 14
Cho Tan Lipke Lab, CUNY Graduate Center
"Functional Amyloids: Mechanosensors in Yeast Adhesins"
Host: Peter Lipke
Mar. 21
Dr. David Lahti, Queens College (CUNY)
"Learned Behaviors Still Evolve: Lessons From Birds"
Host: Paul Forlano
Apr. 11
Dr. Eunsoo Kim, AMNH
"Endosymbiosis and the Evolution of Green Algae"
Host: Juergen Polle
Apr. 18
Dr. Carolyn Pytte, Queens College (CUNY)
"Lateralization of Adult Neurogenesis Serves Learning and Memory"
Host: Paul Forlano
Apr. 25
Dr. David Deitcher, Cornell University
"Knockdown of FoxP in Drosophila Reveals an Essential Role in Motor Behaviors"
Host:Paul Forlano
May 2
Host: TBA
May 9
Dr. Robert Ranaldi, Queens College (CUNY)
"Neurobiology Underlying Reward-Related Learning"
Host: Paul Forlano
May 16
Dr. Dan McCloskey, College of Staten Island (CUNY)
"Neural Correlates of Social Behavior in the Naked Mole Rat"
Host: Paul Forlano
* In memory of Priscilla F. Pollister's contributions as teacher, scientist and adviser.