Health and Nutrition Sciences
Addressing Concerns about the COVID Vaccine, April 20, 2021
Contact Information
Department Chairperson: Kathleen Axen
Graduate Deputy Chair Nutrition: Kathleen Axen
Graduate Deputy Chair (M.A. Program): Enrique Pouget
Location: 4123 Ingersoll Hall
Phone: 718.951.5026
Fax: 718.951.4670
Make a difference in your community—local or global—through health education.
You realize that proper food and nutrition are the basics of good health, and you are looking for a career where you can help people realize their full potential through these fundamentals. Our rigorous academic courses, internships, and research opportunities will prepare you to contribute as health professionals to local, national, and international communities. You will choose courses from topics ranging from nutrition and world food problems, to trauma and traumatic grief, to law and public health; participate in health promotion programs; and conduct research in our foods and physiology labs. As the digital age enables information about health and nutrition to be developed and disseminated faster than ever before, our programs offer a framework in which you'll be able to expertly assess facts and theories and apply them for the benefit of all people.
Professor Emeritus and Former Chairperson David Balk Publishes New Two-Volume Book

Living, Dying, Death, and Bereavement: Conversations with Thanatologists (Vol 1 and 2) was released by Cambridge Scholars Publishing on November 11, 2020.
This two-volume book offers extensive interviews with persons who have made significant contributions to thanatology, the study of dying, death, loss, and grief.