Congratulations to our 2022 Graduates!
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Discover the Earth and Our Environment in New York and Beyond!
As a student in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES), you will explore Earth's dynamic processes, test waters and analyze soils, find fossils and minerals, examine rock outcrops to understand Earth's history, and learn how the environment effects humans and how, in turn, human activities have impacted our environment. You will also work toward solutions for offsetting these environmental impacts and develop marketable GIS skills in GIS analysis.
These are just a few of the topical areas in the EES curriculum, designed to prepare you for a career in government or the private sector, or for an advanced degree from a graduate school. We offer B.A., B.S., M.A., and M.S. degrees in earth and environmental sciences. We partner with the School of Education to offer an Earth Science Teacher B.A., and a Master of Arts Teaching (M.A.T.). With Brooklyn College's Urban Sustainability program, we offer a concentration in environmental science. Finally, many of our faculty members participate in the Ph.D. Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Our faculty members have experience and skills across the full spectrum of the earth and environmental sciences to help you navigate the rocks, shoals, open waters, and urban landscapes. Our many external partnerships allow students to help improve the quality of both the constructed and natural environments not only in New York City, but the world at large.
Whatever your interests and goals may be, we are ready to guide and assist you to gain essential workplace skills for a career in the earth and environmental sciences.
2020/2021 Master's and Ph.D. Degree Recipients
Diversity and Inclusion Statement
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Brooklyn College is committed to a welcoming, safe, inclusive, and equitable environment for our students, staff, and faculty. We value the opportunity to interact with people with diverse experiences and backgrounds and respect a multiplicity of identities including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, abilities, religious beliefs, age, and national origin. Our community is strengthened by our differences and our commonalities.
COVID-19 Remote Advisement Sign-Up Procedure
For the remainder of the spring 2020 semester, we will create a weekly schedule of remote advisement appointments.
Contact Information
Department Chairperson: Zhongqi (Joshua) Cheng
Graduate Deputy: Peter Groffman
Location: 3131 Ingersoll Hall
Phone: 718.951.5416
Fax: 718.951.4753