Nicole L.

Nicole L.
Ready to take the next step?
M.S.Ed. Childhood Education Teacher, Class of 2009
Advanced Certificate in Bilingual Education, Class of 2021
I chose Brooklyn College because it has such an amazing focus on Bilingual Studies that highlight the importance of teaching to emergent bilinguals. This is the same institution that helped me fall in love with a profession that has spanned almost 15 years and counting.
My degree prepares me to be a bilingual teacher who will be a part of creating a culturally responsive society that promotes multicultural awareness and embraces the skillset that any family brings towards creating academic success.
My plan is to continue educating the children in our city by teaching to the whole child and creating a space that invites and celebrates all cultures. With my knowledge I will help support emergent bilinguals strive to become a part of a society that embraces their language, culture, values and traditions throughout their education while promoting acceptance and tolerance of all.
One of the highlights of this program and the College in general, is that I have met so many wonderful and determined people. I have learned so much from my peers and the friendships formed are priceless. This is a place where information, ideas, questions and opinions are shared in such a way it creates a growth mindset for us all. Rich and meaningful discussions about education, systemic racism and the history surrounding bilingual education have been thought provoking. It has challenged me as an educator on how to help our immigrant families while challenging the social norms and continue to create curriculums where students can use their language repertoire to express what they know in their home and second language.
What makes this program unique is how it focuses on the best practices that teach families who speak languages other than English. At Brooklyn College you are given the tools to design a classroom where English Language Learners have the opportunity to express their knowledge in their home language while learning a second one. Which in turns allows them to fully showcase their knowledge content while creating an environment that implements all students’ funds of knowledge.
The faculty and staff work brilliantly in creating courses that are relevant and impactful for our practice in education. They work seamlessly in creating a flow of courses that build off each other and support you in your teaching journey. My professors have been extremely knowledgeable in bilingual history and have a beautiful way of maintaining a growth mindset for every class. Their guidance and support as well as the many resources they offer have been superb and helpful along my path towards becoming a dual language teacher.
My advice for those graduate students entering this program is that they be prepared to meet amazing people who will be part of a process that changes lives and challenges our society to create equal education for all children.