Advising—View a listing of departmental advisers, their contact information/office hours, and what they can assist Philosophy majors with.
Degree Maps—View the degree maps for each major offered by our department. These maps provide a snapshot of the requirements for each major as well as a suggested order in which to take classes in order to stay on track and graduate within four years. The maps also help distinguish what courses qualify as Pathways, major, or general elective courses.
Yearly Course Schedule—Check out the projected Philosophy course offerings for academic years 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21, and 2021–22.
Checklists for Majors and Minors—View and download checklists that outline the requirements for each major/minor that our department offers.
Tutoring—View information regarding Writing and Philosophy 2101 tutoring.
Transfer Credits—View our transfer credit policy and transfer credit evaluators.