Mission Statement
The Department of Chemistry at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York is an academic unit providing education and training at all levels, leading to the B.A., B.S., M.A. and, through the Graduate Center, the Ph.D. The department maintains a high-caliber educational experience supporting a range of scientific career opportunities, providing both advanced course work for students pursuing careers in chemistry and biochemistry as well as a strong scientific foundation for those interested in other scientific, medical or technical careers. The department serves the needs of the student body by offering a variety of General Education courses, ranging from its hands-on laboratory covering science in the modern world to its popular forensic science courses. The departmental faculty maintains an active research agenda including both basic and applied lines of inquiry and with notable funding from external sources. Faculty members consistently involve both undergraduate and graduate students in this research, facilitating a student-centered environment that supplements classroom experience with real-world challenges. The department commits to actively engaging in outreach activities with secondary schools throughout Brooklyn and thus is distinguished in fostering scientific inquiry to an ethnically and economically diverse group of students both within the college and the borough.