Department Goals and Objectives
The mission of the Biology Department is to provide foundational studies that enhance critical thinking skills and help prepare students for careers in biomedical science, biotechnology, environmental science, and other science fields. To achieve this mission, the Department of Biology offers a comprehensive major that includes both laboratory and lecture studies of the animal, plant, microbial, and viral world supplemented by laboratory research training in more than eight different sub-disciplines within biology. The biology major aims to equip students with essential core knowledge of biology that is the foundation for advanced studies in the biological sciences and postgraduate training leading to careers in the health professions. The biology major with its essential core body of knowledge also aims to prepare students for entry-level positions in many science and health-related fields. By example, the faculty pledge to impart professional and ethical values and attitudes required of all members of the scientific community.
To fulfill its mission, the Department of Biology sets the following general goals for biology graduates:
- Students will demonstrate competency in a core body of knowledge in cellular and molecular biology, microbiology, genetics and evolution, organismal biology and ecology.
- Students will demonstrate practical competencies designed to enhance critical thinking skills as defined by the ability to independently acquire biological information from the scientific literature and by competency in the biological experimental method.
- Students will model professional etiquette and the ethical implications of biological discoveries for society and the environment.
Student Learning Objectives
In order to achieve the goals of the department a specified set of student-based learning objectives are listed below: