Information for Prospective Psychology Postdoctoral Position Applicants
Prospective postdoctoral applicants should review the Personal Counseling Program website, which provides a general overview of program services.
In addition to providing assessment and counseling/psychotherapy, conducting workshops, etc., as described in the services overview, postdocs may also supervise the clinical work of practicum and intern students; research and undergrad adjunct teaching (paid) may also be part of postdoc activities. The overall mix of activities is individualized and negotiable according to interests and needs, but the primary focus of activity is on clinical treatment of college students.
The following additional information applies specifically to postdoc positions.
Compensation / Benefits
Postdoc positions in the Personal Counseling Program are unfunded. Unfortunately, there is generally no salary or benefits, although occasional funded adjunct teaching or counseling may be available.
Depending on case load, a postdoc may have two or more individual supervisors. Work with up to three or four clients may be supervised in each individual supervision hour, depending on need.
Work Schedule
A minimum commitment of at least two days per week for at least nine months is required. Starting date is negotiable.
Prospective postdocs may apply at any time.