Preventing Academic Dishonesty in Remote Learning
Upholding academic integrity is a requirement for all college students. We understand that the transition to remote learning may put more stress and anxiety on students and may also cause some confusion as to what is permitted in an online learning environment. Here are some tips to help students prevent academic dishonesty in remote learning:
- While your syllabi already contain a section on academic integrity, we strongly encourage you to review the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy in its entirety.
- The Learning Center has writing tutors who can help you properly cite your sources and avoid plagiarism. Visit the Learning Center's website for the most up-to-date information on their schedule and how to set up a tutoring session.
- If you have online exams, do not assume that it is okay to look at Internet sources or collaborate with other students. If you are unsure about what is permitted, ask your professor in advance.
- If your professor does allow you to look up Internet sources or work with other students for a paper or online exam, ask your professor if you should cite your sources and note with whom you worked on the assignment.
- If you are a student with a disability and need more time to complete an assignment or exam, make sure to register with the Center for Student Disability Services to receive appropriate academic accommodations. Keep in mind that having a disability does not give a student a free pass to engage in academic dishonesty or any other kind of conduct that violates rules of the college.