Student Spotlight - Quixote Vassilakis

Quixote Vassilakis
Q: What is your current class standing and anticipated graduation date?
I am a senior, and I will be graduating in spring 2017.
Q: What are your major(s) and/or minor(s)?
Philosophy with Honors.
Q: Why did you choose to become a philosophy major?
The discipline is suitable to my particular cast of mind, allowing me to think about science, art, and politics in the same domain. Although I did fall into it by chance.
Q: What are your goals for the future? Do you have plans to attend graduate school or do you have a career in mind upon graduation?
My goal is to stay alive and find happiness. I will be pursuing a doctorate in philosophy, although I do not know where yet.
Q: What are your interests in philosophy?
I've been reading Richard Rorty and Arthur Danto with interest. I'm also interested in European figures from the early 19th century.
Q: Who are your favorite philosophers?
I have no favorite, just temporary interests.
Q: Do you have a favorite quote by a philosopher?
I like when Kant talks about jokes in the Critique of the Power of Judgment. He makes some remarkable jokes. For instance: If the heir of a rich relative wants to arrange a properly solemn funeral for him, but laments that he cannot get it quite right, because (he says), "The more money I give my mourners to look sad, the merrier they look," then we all laugh. I do not know if I am laughing at this, but the joke's content says something.
Q: What is your favorite book in philosophy?
The most useful book I have read has been Imagined Communities, by Benedict Anderson.
Q: Have you had any recent accomplishments such as conferences you attended/presented at, awards/scholarships you have received, contests you have won, publications you have made, and so forth?
I was inducted into Phi Sigma Tau this past spring.
Q: What are one or two fun facts about you?
I write poems, and I'm fortunate enough to travel a lot.