Majors, Minors, and Concentrations
The student-centered accounting program places emphasis on the importance of analytic and communication skills and professional ethics in today's business environment.
There are two tracks in accounting: one for students who are interested in taking the certified public accountancy (CPA) examination and one for students who are interested in an accounting major but do not intend to become a CPA. Students who complete this B.S. program with an overall 3.00 GPA may apply to the 30-credit master's degree program in accounting.
The accounting program trains students for entry-level and long-term professional careers in public, private, and government accounting and business as well as for graduate school.
The departments of Accounting, Business Management, Economics, and Finance work closely with the Brooklyn College Magner Career Center. Grants from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and the Citigroup Foundation have allowed the departments to develop internships at small businesses throughout New York City for students interested in entrepreneurship.