Fall 2022 Colloquium Schedule

From Richard de Fournival, “Bestiare d’Amours,” BnF fr. 12148, 14th century manuscript (connected to Prof. Steel’s talk)
The Late Antique-Medieval-Early Modern Faculty Working Group at Brooklyn College (CUNY) presents the fall 2022 colloquia.
Wednesday, September 7, 5 p.m., in-person, 2405 Boylan Hall
Free Choice and Reason: On Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy
Karl Steel, Brooklyn College (English)
Thursday, October 13, 12:30 p.m., in-person, 2405 Boylan Hall
Despotics: Elite Slavery, Domination, and Classical Literature as Archive of Slavery
Joe Howley, Columbia (Classics)
Wednesday, October 26, 5 p.m., in-person, 411 Library
Poetry, Piety, and the Islamic Self in the Medieval Persian World
Ali Noori, PhD candidate, University of Pennsylvania (Religion)
*Brooklyn College Religion adjunct*/City College alumnus
Thursday, November 10, 5 p.m., Zoom
On the Nature of Grace and the Grace of Nature: Mystical and Philosophical Theology in the German Dominican School
Sam Baudinette, PhD candidate, University of Chicago (Philosophy)
Wednesday, December 7, 5 p.m., Zoom
So Tender and Round: Race and Sensation in Medieval Religious Allegory
Shona Adler, PhD candidate, University of Pennsylvania (English)
Brooklyn College *alumna*
More Information
Contact Lauren Mancia (laurenmancia@brooklyn.cuny.edu) or Karl Steel (ksteel@brooklyn.cuny.edu) for the Zoom links/with questions. All students and faculty are welcome.