Spring 2017 Colloquia

Rubbings from a 15th-17th–century stele from Kaifeng.
The Late Antique-Medieval-Early Modern Faculty Working Group at Brooklyn College presents their spring 2017 colloquia.
All are welcome.
Tuesday, February 21
Judaism in the Late Antique-Medieval-Early Modern World Mini-Series III: Judaism, Confucianism, and Modernity in Ming China: The Kaifeng Synagogue Inscription of 1489
- Professor Andrew Meyer, Department of History
5:30 p.m.
Costas Library (2405 Boylan Hall)
Thursday, March 23
Judaism in the Late Antique-Medieval-Early Modern World Mini-Series IV: Tropical Jews: Early Modern Jewry in the Atlantic World
- Professor John Dixon, Department of History, College of Staten Island
- Associate Professor Christopher Ebert, Department of History—Respondent
5:30 p.m.
Costas Library (2405 Boylan Hall)
Tuesday, April 4
The Making of a Black Panther: Plato's Influence on Huey P. Newton
- Assistant Professor Brian Sowers, Department of Classics
5:30 p.m.
Costas Library (2405 Boylan Hall)
Tuesday, April 27
Judaism in the Late Antique-Medieval-Early Modern World Mini-Series V: "In Three Places the Halakhah Overrides the Bible": What Must Give When Bible, Received Tradition, and System of Interpretation Conflict
- Associate Professor David Brodsky, Department of Judaic Studies
12:30 p.m.
Costas Library (2405 Boylan Hall)
Wednesday, May 3
Petrarch's Manuscripts in the Digital Era
- Alessandro Zammataro, CUNY Graduate Center
5:30 p.m.
Costas Library (2405 Boylan Hall)