Articles That Challenge How Mindfulness Is Being Used in Corporations, the Military, and Corporate America
David Forbes, "Occupy Mindfulness."
David R. Loy, "Can Mindfulness Change a Corporation?"
Anne Kingston, "Mindfulness goes corporate—and purists aren't pleased."
Richard Eskow, "Buying Wisdom."
Darren Drda "Wisdom 2.0 and the Protection of the Spiritual Commons."
Kenji Liu, "Capitalists Want You to Be Happy: Self-Improvement and Exploitation."
Wakoh Shannon Hickey, "Meditation as Medicine: A Critique" (pdf) .
David Jacobs Gordon, "A Critical History of Mindfulness-Based Psychology." B.A. thesis, Wesleyan University, Departmental Honors in Psychology and the Science in Society Program, Middletown, Connecticut, April 2009.
Shian-Ling Keng, Moria J. Smoski, Clive J. Robins, "Effects of mindfulness on psychological health: A review of empirical studies" (pdf) .
Glenn Wallace, "Elixir of Mindfulness."
Ronald E. Purser, Joseph Milillo. "Mindfulness Revisited: A Buddhist-Based Conceptualization" (pdf) .
"Frozen Yoga and McMindfulness: Miles Neale on the mainstreaming of contemplative religious practices."
Ron Purser and David Loy, "Beyond McMindfulness."
Jeremy Carrette and Richard King, Selling Spirituality: The Silent Takeover of Religion. New York: Routledge (2005).
Simon Critchley and Jamieson Webster, "The Gospel According to 'Me.'"
Nathan, "Artificial Buddhist Personality."
Christopher Titmuss, "The Buddha of Mindfulness. A Stress Destruction Programme."
Julie Carr Smyth, "'Mindfulness' Grows in Popularity—and Profits."
R. Eidelson, M. Pilisuk, S. Soldz, "The Dark Side of 'Comprehensive Soldier Fitness.'"
Greg Heffron, "The Antidote to McMindfulnes is Feeling What We Feel."
Mark Knickelbine, "From Both Sides: Secular Buddhism and the 'McMindfulness' Question."
Owen Flanagan, "Can a Naturalistic Buddhism Make You Happy?"
Willoughby Britton, "The Blobology Effect."
Jo Confino, "Zen in the Workplace."
Steven Stanley, "Mindfulness: Toward a Critical Relational Perspective." Social and Personality Psychology Compass 6.9: 631–706. (2012).
Steven Stanley, "Things said or done long ago are recalled and remembered: The ethics of mindfulness in early Buddhism, psychotherapy. and clinical psychology." European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling 15.2: 151–62 (2013).
Oenone Crossley-Holland, "Could beditation be the answer to exam nerves?"
Julie Watson, "Meditating Marines: Military tries mindfulness to lower stress."
Robert H. Sharf, "Mindfulness or Mindlessness" (video)
Funie Hsu, "The Heart of Mindfulness: A Response to The New York Times . "
Schumpeter, "The mindfulness business."
J. Fega-Frey, "The PBG and the False Promise of Mindfulness."
C. Dierkes, "Wrong Yoda Was: The Force of Fear.
McCoon et al., "No Sustained Attention Differences in a Longitudinal Randomized Trial Comparing Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction versus Active Control."
Tomas Rocha, "The Dark Night of the Soul."
Ronald Purser, "The Militarization of Mindfulness."
Guerrilla Buddha, "Yoga-Whoring, McMindfulness, & the Spiritual Industrial Complex."
Articles on Neoliberalism in Education
Chris Hedges, "Why the United States Is Destroying Its Educational System."
Diane Ravitch, "Everything you need to know about Common Core."
Stan Karp, "The coming Common Core meltdown."
Henry Giroux, "Data Storms and the Tyranny of Manufactured Forgetting."
Peter Seybold, "Servants of Power: Higher Education in an Era of Corporate Control."