Hazardous Materials Management
Hazard Communication
Brooklyn College employees have the right to information, training, and education regarding toxic substances in the workplace under the New York State Right to Know / Hazard Communication law. Employees should direct all questions/or concerns about personal protective equipment, safety practices, unsafe working conditions, etc., to their supervisor or other designated individual. Contact the EHS office should additional assistance be required. You can download a copy of the written Hazard Communication program (pdf) or request a copy from EHS at 718.951.4268.
Chemical Inventory
Hazardous chemicals are required to be managed through an online database called ChemTracker. The system is jointly maintained between chemical owners, department representatives, and EHS. The inventory includes a library of Safety Data Sheets (SDS). SDS will also be kept in areas using chemicals and will be accessible to employees during their work shift. The exact location will be determined by each individual department. See here for chemicals (pdf) to be included and other FAQ (pdf).
Asbestos Management
Asbestos is a natural mineral. It is made up of fibers, is very durable, and is extremely heat-resistant. It is commonly found in building materials. Asbestos-containing materials (ACM) include fireproofing products, pipe and boiler insulation, roofing materials, ceiling and floor tiles, mastics, caulking, etc.
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety coordinates closely with CUNY central offices and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) to manage ACM on campus and prevent exposures. This FAQ sheet (pdf) contains more information.
Chemical Waste Management and Disposal
All hazardous chemical waste must be submitted to EHS for proper handling and disposal. Hazardous chemical waste includes containers of leftover or expired chemicals, waste from laboratory processes, waste from maintenance activities, etc. Take the time to review the written procedure for chemical and hazardous waste management (pdf) and this hazardous waste satellite accumulation area poster (pdf). This disposal guide (pdf) contains additional information. You may also contact the hazardous materials manager at 718.951.4268. See our current hazardous waste pick-up schedule (pdf).
Regulated Medical Waste Management
Always contact EHS when disposing of the following. EHS picks up and coordinates the proper disposal of these items. Consult these handy disposal guides for medical waste (pdf) and pipettes (pdf).
- Needles, syringes, and other sharp objects*
- Biohazardous or medical waste
* EHS provides puncture-proof containers, or "sharps containers," for these items.
Always consult with EHS regarding the proper disposal of all other materials and waste generated during experiments and related lab or classroom activities, including:
- Biohazardous or regulated medical waste. Such materials must be placed in covered and labeled leak-proof containers or in red bags within secondary containers.
- Noncontaminated waste. Such materials can be disposed of in regular trash. Be sure not to use red bags and to remove any biohazard label.