Training Descriptions
Implicit Bias: The Keys to Creating Your Bias-Free Workplace
Provider: Office of Diversity and Equity Programs
We all have a vision of our ideal workplace—an inclusive and equitable workplace free from bias, bullying, and harassment of any type. Creating a culture that values and demands a respectful workplace for all requires effective communication and training.
The purpose of this training is to minimize the negative influence of bias and assumptions, especially within the Brooklyn College community. The goal is for the participant to recognize and label negative behavior and thoughts and replace them with nonprejudicial responses.
Remote Teaching and Discrimination
Provider: Office of Diversity and Equity Programs
This training is designed to strengthen both diversity awareness and inclusive practices within the Brooklyn College community, as it pertains to remote learning.
Some issues regarding remote teaching and learning have been brought to the attention of the Office of Diversity and Equity Programs. The remote teaching and discrimination training is intended to address and prevent those issues. All faculty members are encouraged to take this course. Note: Some issues regarding race have come up; however, most of these issues relate to disability.
Anti-Bullying Training
Providers: Office of Diversity and Equity Programs and Office of the Associate Provost
In this training, we examine different forms of bullying and identify those who are more likely to be bullies as well as those who are more likely to be victimized. We also discuss warning signs and how we can help others cope with bullying.
This presentation will address bullying and the disproportionate affect it can have on professors of color, and how to recognize, address, and prevent it from occurring. This training will be provided to all academic faculty and managerial personnel, beginning with deans, chairs, and program managers.
The Inclusive Workplace Training
Provider: Office of Diversity and Equity Programs
Inclusion training refers to training employees to better work with others of differing abilities, backgrounds, nationalities, genders, etc. It's often referred to as diversity and inclusion training. It emphasizes being inclusive of all types of employees and explains the benefits of doing so.
Avoiding initiating or participating in any behavior that may be misconstrued as possible harassment is critical to creating an environment free of racism. The Inclusive Workplace Training is designed to highlight CUNY administrative policies designed to address and prevent discrimination, with an emphasis on CUNY Policy on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination. This training will be made available to all members of the academic departments, from the provost to college assistants.