#BCGrad2017: Deanna Ng '17 M.S. Lands a Job With Morgan Stanley Thanks to the Magner Career Center
May 11, 2017
As they prepare for the next stages of their lives, members of the Brooklyn College Class of 2017 share some details of their journeys from students to graduates. Find more student commencement profiles and videos on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Use the #BCGrad2017 hashtag to join the conversation!

Deanna Ng '17 M.S.
Deanna Ng
M.S. in business administration
My past five years at Brooklyn College have been the most fulfilling years of my life.
I've spent four years here as an undergraduate student majoring in economics and psychology, with a minor in neuroscience. This past year, I've been working to complete my master's in business administration.
During my time at the college, I've made a countless numbers of friends, had new experiences, interacted with different clubs and organizations, and made lasting connections with faculty. I've learned not only information to apply to my career, but I've also discovered who I am as a person because the college has given me an open and understanding environment to be different.
The Magner Career Center, through its amazing alumni mentorship program, has also not only helped me to obtain my current internship with Morgan Stanley, but it has aided me in the process of understanding and accepting my full-time offer at the company. I start after graduation on June 5.
Looking back, I need to thank Brooklyn College's undergraduate freshman orientation staff for their hard work. It was at orientation where everything started for me. I joined clubs, interacted with current and new students, and truly became involved on the campus. It was also the day I met the love of my life, even though we didn't know it until a semester later. I owe so much to the Brooklyn College community for where I am in my life right now and for that I am forever grateful.