Dayana Manashirova '15 Secures Competitive Internship at Manhattan District Attorney's Office
April 24, 2015
With the help of her philosophy professors, Brooklyn College senior Dayana Manashirova, a philosophy major, was the only CUNY student selected to be one of 11 interns at Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance's Office.
Originally from Baku, Azerbaijan, a country off the coast of Iran, Manashirova moved to the United States when she was three years old. She attended Kingsborough Community College, and then transferred to Brooklyn College, where she is set to graduate this May with a bachelor's degree.
"I know it's a great college by the help that everyone gives each other," said Manashirova. "Even if we are not always talking to each other on campus, we have such a great online community."
Manashirova credited both Katherine Pendoley, a doctoral student in philosophy at the CUNY Graduate Center, and Assistant Professor Anna Gotlib of the Department of Philosophy as being instrumental to her internship application process. They helped with her resume and mock interview questions. "I think every student needs a great professor to believe in them," said Manashirova. "I was lucky, I had two."
Manashirova sees her internship as an opportunity to open up and be comfortable with who she is as an individual. "I think this experience of going through the motions has taught me not to be shy about who I am, where I come from, and how I've risen from the bottom to where I've gotten now." She adds that, though she thought she might be going to work in a "cut throat" environment, she instead got support and advice on how to improve her skills.
When asked what advice she would give to her fellow students Manashirova said, "I think you should do as many internships as you can. You want to get in as much on your résumé as you can beforehand."
Brooklyn College students are encouraged students to do at least one internship before they graduate. The Magner Career Center at Brooklyn College helps students find internships, refine their résumés, and prepare for interviews, among other career skills.