Social Studies Teacher (7-12) - Social Studies Teacher (Option B), M.A.
Student Learning Outcomes
Social Studies Education graduates have Civic Competence and Social Understanding, engage in Critical Thinking, Integrate Ideas and Disciplines, and carry out Powerful and Meaningful Teaching.
Learning Objectives for Social Studies Education and History
Social Studies Education
Students will:
- Be prepared to pass NYSED teacher certification examinations in content area, pedagogy, and knowledge of students.
- Apply the ACTFL, CEC, NCSS, NCTE, NCTM, NSTA, and SHAPE Standards and the Next Generation Learning Standards to planning, instruction, and assessment for all students, including those of low SES, linguistic/cultural minorities, and those with IEPs.
- Design lessons and units of study that engage all students, including ELLs and students with IEPs, in doing, thinking, reasoning, speaking, and writing in the content areas.
- Incorporate community resources in culturally relevant units of study.
- Create classrooms that support social and emotional learning.
- Make plans for and use technological tools (e.g. communication and collaboration tools, adaptive devices, Web-based digital media) in instruction.
- Analyze instructional materials and assessments in order to identify linguistic & extra-linguistic demands and challenges of performance tasks in the content areas.
- Analyze and interpret whole-class interaction focusing on guiding techniques conducive to orchestrating meaningful, inclusive, and content-rich conversations.
- Analyze and interpret samples of student work and classroom data to identify different levels of student learning as well as typical errors and misconceptions.
- Conduct and use research in their own practices to improve learning and teaching.
Goal 1: Historical Concepts and Content: To help students understand the nature of historical Inquiry and the major historical developments that inform the modern world.
- Objective 1: Demonstrate basic knowledge about key historical concepts (such as “objectivity”) and historical terminology (such as “primary source”).
- Objective 2: Demonstrate basic knowledge about key historical actors and events across the department’s distribution requirements.
Goal 2: Historical Skills: To teach students the skills of historical inquiry and expression.
- Objective 1: Articulate a clear research question, assemble a bibliography, and use citations properly.
- Objective 2: Situate an original historical argument within a basic historiographical framework.
- Objective 3: Effectively incorporate primary sources into a historical argument.
- Objective 4: Express basic historical ideas in writing using a clear thesis statement, a Well-organized argument, and effective evidence. Students will demonstrate that they have met these goals and objectives by producing work that might include, but will not be limited to, analytical papers, research papers, journals, quizzes, exams, in-class writing assignments, presentations, and discussion.