Surveys of Former Students

Brooklyn College administers surveys to its recent graduates students to give them an opportunity to share with us what we do well and where we should improve. We also use these surveys to learn about their career and educational achievements since completing a degree. We've administeredthe following surveys to our former students in recent years:

CUNY Cap and Gown Survey

The CUNY Office of Applied Research, Evaluation, and Data Analytics (OAREDA) has recently created a CUNY Cap and Gown survey to get a sense of students' reflections on their CUNY experience when they are graduating. The survey is administered to students in CUNYfirst as part of the process of applying to graduate.

  • CUNY Cap and Gown Survey, AY 2022-23 (Forthcoming)

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Recent Graduate Survey

The Recent Graduate Survey is administered to our recent graduating students as they pick up their diplomas. The content of the survey is provided by IRDA, and the survey is administered with the assistance of the Enrollment Services Center, as students came to pick up their diplomas. It was later administered online. Students are asked to reflect on their overall educational experience at Brooklyn College. The survey also asks students about their educational and career plans following graduation, and a few items also address experiences with internship programs.

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CUNY Baccalaureate Alumni Survey

The CUNY Baccalaureate Alumni Survey is a questionniare devleoped by the CUNY Office of Applied Research, Evaluation, and Data Analytics (OAREDA) with the assistance of CUNY college IR offices and administered to baccalaureate alumni three years after graduation. The survey was first administered in Spring 2010 to Academic Year 2007 baccalaureate recipients. A second survey was administered in Spring 2013 to Academic Year 2010 baccalaureate recipients. The reports below summarize responses for Brooklyn College alumni only.

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