Surveys of Current Students

Brooklyn College administers surveys to its current students to get a sense of their needs, preferences, and satisfaction with the college. We've administeredthe following surveys to our students in recent years:

Student Experience Survey (SES)

The Student Experience survey is administered by the CUNY Office of Applied Research, Evaluation, and Data Analytics (OAREDA) approximately every two years in spring. The survey was developed by OAREDA with the assistance of representatives of the many institutional research offices of the CUNY colleges, including Brooklyn College. Survey results are provided below for every administration of this survey dating to 2002. For 2016 and 2018, results are provided in the form of an interactive dashboard. In 2020, the survey was postponed due to Covid-19.
NOTE: In 2020, the "BC Cares: Survey of the Student Experience" was developed and administered at Brooklyn College, and serves a similar purpose as the SES. It is included below.

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Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory

The Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory is a survey of undergraduate students designed by Noel-Levitz, a higher education consulting firm. The survey consists of a series of topics dealing with different qualities of, and services provided by, college. Each topic is evaluated on a seven point scale (1 the lowest, 7 the highest) for both how satisfied students are with that topic, and how important that topic is. The survey was first administered in 2002. It was administered again in 2013.

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National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is a national survey designed to measure student engagement, or the degree to which students feel a sense of active involvement with their academic coursework and the social community of students. NSSE is a national survey, and more than 1,300 colleges participate each year. Brooklyn College has participated in NSSE four times: 2001, 2003, 2007, and 2009.

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Mid-Year First-Year Survey

The Mid-Year First-Year Survey is a survey administered each Spring to students who had entered Brooklyn College the prior fall. Items address student first-semester experiences and habits and their familiarity with offices on campus that provide academic and social support. Below are reports summarizing these results. Also provided are reports showing correlations with persistence to the following fall. correlate with persistence into the following fall. This survey was developed and administered jointly by the Division of Enrollment Management and Retention and the Office of Institutional Research and Data Science.

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