Register Now for Winter Classes—Most Are Online!
Registration deadline is Tuesday, January 3, 2023!
Nondegree and Visiting Students
Nondegree and visiting students must apply for admission before registering for winter classes.
Financial Aid Eligibility for Winter Intersession
Winter intersession credits contribute to a student’s spring enrollment total, but are billed separately from spring courses. Brooklyn College students may receive an increased Pell grant and/or qualify for a loan if they add winter session courses since the number of credits is what determines federal financial aid eligibility. Visiting students should inquire with their home financial aid office.
Brooklyn College's winter intersession is a great opportunity for you to earn additional credits toward your degree and accelerate your path to graduation, or to enhance and expand your education by exploring new areas and fields.
- Calendar of important dates and general information
- Registration information
- Schedule of Classes
- Complete list of newly converted CORC course codes
No need to ride the subway in the freezing cold or wait for the bus in the snow. With remote winter classes, you can be anywhere at all and still earn three credits in only three weeks.
Our winter intersession runs from January 3 to 24.
Need Help?
Have a question or having trouble registering? Just e-mail us.