Study Abroad Content

Brooklyn is big. We'll introduce you to the bigger world.
One of the most exciting opportunities we will offer you is the chance to study in a foreign country. By visiting or living in another country, you will take your college experience to a higher level. You will be immersed in a different culture, learn the customs and heritage of different societies, strengthen your language skills, and become open to experiences that would be hard to have anywhere else.
You can study abroad on any accredited program you choose, whether it is from us, other CUNY schools, or even private universities and organizations. There are hundreds of opportunities throughout the world. Some of our most popular include helping to conduct archaeological research in Israel, Iceland, Antigua and Barbuda; traveling through three of China's biggest cities to understand urban growth; helping provide health care in Ghana and Central America; making film documentaries of village life in India; studying international law in Turkey; and perfecting your artistic abilities in Italy.

Grades and credits earned abroad from accredited programs can be applied toward graduation requirements. Financial aid and scholarships are available and may be applied to study abroad.