Leonard & Claire Tow Center for the Performing Arts.
Current Projects, Initiatives, and Activities
Events Calendar
Event Calendar
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Training Calendar
Event Calendar
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Welcome to the current projects, initiatives, and activities page for the senior vice president for finance and administration.
Here you will find updates regarding the state of ongoing projects, initiatives, and activities that fall under the senior vice president's portfolio.
Facilities, Planning, and Operations
BC Fix it: Reporting Broken Bathroom Fixtures
This feature on the BC Navigator app allows us to receive and respond to real-time information about bathroom fixture problems. Each bathroom fixture has been tagged with a four-digit number, which can be used to report issues. We are currently in phase 2 of the pilot testing, as this feature is now open to the entire campus community. Thank you to the ITS team for developing this tool, empowering us all to be accountable for our shared spaces!
- Learn how you can use the BC Navigator app (pdf) to help report restroom issues.
- You may also e-mail the tag ID # of a broken fixture.
Reporting Other Facilities-Related Issues
- To report other issues (graffiti, holes, cleanliness, etc.), send us an e-mail.
- For facilities emergencies (severe leaks, flooding, etc.), call 718.951.5885.
Town Halls
The Office of Finance and Administration will continue to host a series of Facilities Town Halls to present the Facilities Survey results and discuss the progress of ongoing initiatives. These Town Halls provide an open forum for discussion about facilities-related challenges and expectations. In addition to watching the previously recorded live-stream on Facebook, you can download the last presentation (ppt).
90-Day Facilities Challenge
Campus Improvements
- Tow Center for the Performing Arts Opening
- New Lecture Spaces (pdf)
- Whitehead Plaza (pdf)
- New Hydration Station: These stations were funded by students, through the CLAS Participatory Budgeting process. This is a great example of how students and administrators can work collaboratively. Thank you, students!
- Bell Tower: Last spring, we repaired the clock on our bell tower. This fall, we will begin our project to repair and refurbish the tower itself.
CUNYfirst Non-Tax Levy Implementation
All CUNY colleges are preparing for year one of a two-year implementation of transitioning the processing for non-tax levy entities into CUNYfirst. For year 1, starting July 1, 2019, transactions for non-tax levy (including member organization) and child care centers will be processed in CUNYfirst. In the following fiscal year, Auxiliary Enterprises Corporation, Brooklyn College Association, and the Student Center will transition over. There are no plans by the university to implement this for the Brooklyn College Foundation. As we learn more about the year 1 implementation, we will share details and offer training.
Campus Safety
- Active Shooter Training
- Successfully completed all financial audits
Student Financial Services
- New Student Financial Services Call Center: 718.951.5051
- Student Financial Services (Financial Aid, Bursar, Scholarships), Registrar, and CAASS joined forces to create an official Facebook Group: Brooklyn College Connects. The group will be used to (1) answer general inquiries, and (2) share important reminders regarding registration, advisement, academics, financial aid, and payment options.